Diversity In Business – Ballet Black Lessons To Learn | KTAS

Posted: 3rd January 2023

Diversity in business- the key to success

Imagine a world where everyone comes to the same conclusion. No variation in ideas or thoughts.  No development in terms of what is or could be possible. This would be a world with a lack of creation, imagination and conflict. Yet, in order to grow, diversity is key. And in business, a diverse team can help a company thrive. We all can learn more when working alongside people from different walks of life, ethnicities and cultures. Yet why is it that society still seems to use skin colour and a foreign name to reflect talent, skill set, ambition and entrepreneurship? 

In this article, we’re going to explore the importance of diversity in companies and how we could all learn a thing or two from the teachings of Ballet Black!

Ballet Black – Key Points Related To Diversity In Companies

Cassa Pancho established the ballet group Ballet Black in the UK in 2001 with the intention of giving Black and Asian dancers chances in a largely white field. The organisation has overcome many difficulties and hindrances, but by persevering, it has emerged as a key player in the discussion of diversity in the arts.

Regarding diversity in businesses and start-ups, there are three important lessons to be drawn from the Ballet Black story:

1.Diversity matters

Ballet Black was created primarily to address the lack of diversity in the ballet industry, and its success demonstrates the value of having a diverse group of individuals represent any organisation.

2.Change takes time and hard work

Despite several obstacles, such as financial hardships and a lack of support, Ballet Black has persevered and developed throughout the years. This shows that it requires time and consistent work to achieve diversity and inclusion.

3.Leadership backing is essential

Ballet Black’s creator, Pancho, has been a steadfast and outspoken supporter of diversity in the ballet community. The success of the company has been largely attributed to her leadership and dedication to the cause.

Overall, the tale of Ballet Black serves as a reminder of the value that varied viewpoints may add and the significance of diversity and inclusion in any organisation. It also emphasises the necessity of strong leadership and ongoing work to effect genuine change and advance diversity and inclusion.

Diversity Helps Drive Innovation

In business, diversity can spur innovation in a variety of ways. A diverse team can offer a variety of perspectives and approaches to problem-solving to start. Since each team member brings a unique set of experiences and perspectives to the table, this can effectively encourage more imaginative and unconventional thinking. And with the development of AI, it is now more important than ever to have key members of your team that can think outside the box and apply problem-solving skills.

The presence of diversity in the workplace can also promote improved teamwork and communication. When people with various experiences and backgrounds work together, they are more likely to challenge one another’s presumptions and points of view, resulting in thought-provoking debates and important decisions that are more detailed and complex.

Additionally, having a diverse team increases the likelihood that decisions will be made that take into account a larger range of possibilities and consequences. Making more strategic and knowledgeable decisions, as a result, may promote innovation and commercial success. Not to mention that working on an international scale is now a real possibility for even start-up companies.

KTAS & Our Diverse Team

We are proud to have a team of 12 individuals from diverse backgrounds at KTA. Our team members come from different countries and speak a variety of languages, which has helped shape us as a business and given us a unique perspective and outlook.

This level of diversity allows us to provide valuable insights to our clients, as we are able to understand and relate to the various cultures, values, and business sectors they operate in. Additionally, our diverse team allows us to match the best consultant to our client’s specific needs, ensuring that they receive the most tailored and effective support possible.

Not only does our team’s diversity benefit our clients, but it also empowers our approach to problem-solving and decision-making. With a wide range of perspectives and approaches, we reach for greater innovation and success on a daily basis.

Invest In Your Diverse Team

It’s critical to support diversity in your teams and decision-making processes in addition to your hiring methods. This involves actively encouraging each team member to contribute their unique viewpoints and experiences and ensuring that everyone has an equal say in decision-making. You can also encourage a more creative and effective team by developing an inclusive and respectful company culture.

To unlock your team’s potential and unique skillset, why not invest in our training and development programs? Each program has been designed to be completely bespoke in order to meet our client’s needs. Our High Impact Masterclass or Management & Leadership Courses for instance,  will provide your team with the tools they need to maximise their impact and influence. Feel free to reach out to our team now for more information!

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